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Minggu, 30 April 2023

Kalkulator Kebutuhan Saluran Terbuka

Kalkulator Aliran air Saluran Terbuka
Pilih Tipe Saluran:
Pilih system satuan:
Channel slope: Water depth(y):
Flow velocity LeftSlope (Z1): RightSlope (Z2):
Flow discharge Input n value
Wetted perimeter Flow area Top width(T)
Specific energy Froude number Flow status
Critical depth Critical slope Velocity head


Selasa, 04 April 2023

Kalkulator Perhitungan Intensitas Hujan & Debit Aliran Metode Rasional

Rainfall Intensity Peak Water
Inputs(1 Sqkms= 247.105 Acres)
Drainage Area, A = acres   Runoff Coefficient, C =  
Design Return Period = 25 years   Design Storm Duration, d = min
( = time of concentration )
Steel constant, a =  
Steel constant, b =
Design Intensity, i = in/hr   [ i = a/(d + b) ]    
Calculation of Design Peak Storm Water Runoff Rate,
Q, using the equation: Q = CiA
  Design Peak Storm Water Runoff Rate, Q = cfs  

Perbaikan Tanah Bawah Permukaan ( Sub Grade) Jelek dengan Kayu (Wood)

Kondisi tanah jelek (bad soil) wilayah Indonesia Indonesia memiliki wilayah yang tanahmya berklasifikasi tanah jelek (bad soil) mencapai lu...